October 1, 2013

TAPS: Sgt. Noboru Togioka

  Sgt. Noboru Togioka  graduated from Reedley Joint Union High School in 1939.  His family was incarcerated at the Poston, Arizona concentration camp 3 (309-2-D).  During World War II, he fought with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, 2nd Battalion, Headquarters Company. He was awarded the Silver Star Medal and a Purple Heart.
Source: http://postonupdates.blogspot.com/2012/02/central-california-congressional-gold.html

Silver Star Citation: Awarded for actions during the World War II
     The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star to Sergeant Noboru Togioka (ASN: 39083617), United States Army, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against the enemy while serving with Headquarters Company, 2d Battalion, 442d Regimental Combat Team, attached to the 34th Infantry Division, on 26 June 1944, in the vicinity of Suvereto, Italy. 
     During the periodic mortar and artillery shillings that the Second Battalion Command Post was subjected to for six hours, the telephone lines between the Battalion CP, the Regimental CP and the front lines were knocked out. Upon learning of the situation and its seriousness, Sergeant Togioka, on his own initiative, secured his repair kit and made his way along the telephone lines in the midst of terrific barrages. When two of his men offered to accompany him, he refused their offer. Tracing the lines in full view of the enemy, he finally located the damaged line and repaired it. Fully aware of the danger entailed, he continued to patrol the lines for over an hour, making repairs as the lines were blown apart by the shells. It was during one of the heaviest shellings and while repairing a line that Sergeant Togioka was wounded seriously by shrapnel.  
     Sergeant Togioka's determination and undaunted bravery at the risk of his life is credit to himself and his organization.

General Orders: Headquarters, 34th Infantry Division, General Orders No. 69 (July 27, 1944)
Action Date: 26-Jun-44
Service: Army
Rank: Sergeant
Company: Headquarters Company
Battalion: 2d Battalion
Regiment: 442d Regimental Combat Team
Division: 34th Infantry Division

Source: http://projects.militarytimes.com/citations-medals-awards/recipient.php?recipientid=26902


On September 24, 2013, Noboru Togioka passed away peacefully at home. Noboru Togioka was born to Kango and Fumi Togioka in Dinuba, California. A recipient of the Military Silver Star and Purple Heart, Noboru took special pride in serving his country during World War II. A devoted Husband, Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather, he managed his farm in Kingsburg for 53 years before retiring in Clovis and finally Fresno. 

He is survived by his wife Yuriko; sons, Robert Togioka and Patti, Eugene Togioka and Elyse; grandchildren Brandon Togioka and Jennifer, Shawna Gisch and Ryan; great grandchild Ella Togioka.

Source: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/fresnobee/obituary.aspx?n=noboru-togioka&pid=167181705&fhid=11234#sthash.lfzNHImr.dpuf

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