September 27, 2012

National World War II Museum in New Orleans

100th, 442nd and MIS to be featured at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans

     The National World War II Museum (formerly the D-Day Museum) in New Orleans announced its plans with the National Veterans Network to incorporate the stories of the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team and Military Intelligence Service into their upcoming exhibits. 
     Scheduled to open on January 12, 2013, the new U.S. Freedom Pavilion: Boeing Center will showcase Senator Daniel Inouye, Samuel Hayakawa, Sparky Matsunaga in a interactive exhibit of WWII veterans who later served in United States Congress. 
     All  21 Japanese Americans who received the Medal of Honor will be part of an interactive exhibit that honors all World War II Medal of Honor receipients.  
     Additionally, oral histories of Masaji Inoshita, Yukio Kawamoto and Jimmy Kanaya will be featured as one of many who contributed to victory in World War II. 
      NVN was most pleased to learn that a special exhibit on the Japanese American Experience in World War II, featuring the war time service of the 100th, 442nd, MIS, 1399, WAC, is being planned for 2014. 
     The National Veterans Network will work closely with the National WWII Museum to offer support and resources for this special exhibit. 
     For more information about the National WWII Museum, visit their web site at

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